Japonism. Works made by the students of the Municipal School of Art

From May 23 to June 16

This year the Municipal School of Art presents its collection of works produced during the course

2024. Hem de destacar que les obres creades han estat inspirades en la temàtica del japonisme, terme que es refereix a la influència de l’art japonès en l’art occidental. La paraula la va usar per primera vegada Jules Claretie en el seu llibre L’Art Francais el 1872.

This style colored all artistic expressions of the time, from interior decoration to theater and cinema, women’s magazines, posters… it entered the collective European imagination.

The exhibition has involved a practice of observing works of art that refer to this style such as the observation of nature, the study of monochrome, simple lines, calligraphy and drawing that does not close spaces to interpretation, does not close painting.

Opening May 23 at 8 p.m.

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